August 11, 2011

iPhone Prison Break! Walkthrough - Part 1

There's nothing spooky like "Ellie - Help me out... please" in this game. Very straightforward - Just escape from prison!

So here are the game's intro page:

Let's begin our walkthrough:

Game interface:
Top right of screen - There's a little folding symbol that allow you to switch between views.
Bottom left of screen - Back button which allow you to zoom out if you're in zoom in mode, and another button for your bag.
Using items - Tap small green button on left bottom of your screen to open up your bag, highlight your item and click on desired places.

Environment 1:
You're in your cell. There are two views in this environment:

Let's name the above: View 1

And this View 2

Go to the calendar with a sexy bikini girl on wall and remove the hanger, you'll get an allen key. There's a hint revealed along with the removal: observe drawing on wall.

Switch to View 2, tap to zoom into toilet, tap a few times on the toilet roll to obtain a key. If you're wondering why need to tap a few tims, it's because it's too small (=.=)

Go back and zoom into basin, turn the tap on. Observe two arrows pointing to the bed ladder, so this is another hint for us.

Toggle back to View 1 and zoom in on your desk. Use the key that we obtained from toilet roll to open drawer, here you will find two items - a chisel and a hacksaw handle. Tap on book and observe its content with many numbers.

Remember our drawing on the wall? It's actually a map to a hidden storage at 7th floor tile counting from the corner of room in View 1. Tap on bottom right corner of the screen onto the 7th floor tile, zoom in and select chisel and tap on the tile. You should get a blade from the hidden storage.

Hold on to that blade, then tap on papers on wall, particularly the white one on top right of screen. You should get a piece of paper with holes on it.

Zoom back to View 1, tap on top bunk of bed to zoom in. With the blade in hand, cut open the bed and observe a very tiny greyish wire sticking out from the gap. Again, you might need to tap a few times to get it because it's a bit small.

Toggle to View 2 and tap on the air inlet to zoom in. Insert the wire that we obtained from bed just now into a tiny hole at bottom right of inlet as shown in picture. Tap on it again to pull it out and obtain the hacksaw blade. See your hacksaw handle in your bag is installed with a blade right now, that means it is ready to be used!

Now toggle back to View 1, tap on bed ladder to zoom in. Select hacksaw and place it on the ladder, tap on it and drag up and down a few times to use to saw it off. You should find a bulb inside (How did he put it in at the first place?)

We're almost done with the first environment. Go back to View 1 and tap on desk, tap on book to zoom in and put on the piece of paper with holes. You will see number '425' at three different positions. Let's remember that for now.

Now go back to View 2, tap on the room light to zoom in. Select allen key and insert it into the screw of room light, turn the allen key for a few times until the it is opened, select your bulb in bag and replace the existing one.

You'd notice that your cell has turned blue-ish due to the light emitted from the newly installed bulb. Now toggle view back to where you found your blade (View 1, bottom right of your screen) and open the hidden storage again. You'd notice a drawing has appeared under the blue light.

The drawing indicates that there's something on the wall beside your cell door. Now toggle to View 2 and take out your chisel, tap on area right next to your door, you should discover a panel.

Now remember the number 425 that we discovered in the book? That's the password for the panel. Push top switch to the 4th dot, middle switch to 2nd dot, and the bottom switch to 5th dot.

Tap on the door and you're ready to enter the next environment!

Click here for Prison Break! Walkthrough - Part 2


  1. Try IP escape 3d the factory.. not sure if its gd. i hvent solve it yet. lol


  3. The main difference its content has when compared to platinum guide things is that coping with amount 80 isn't really required or possibly a need to in order to attain this golden indicate.
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